Tuesday, June 29, 2010

We are pregnant!!!!

Yes we are pregnant!!!!!!!!!







said a couple i met in a supermarket. caught u on dat one, dint i?? ya ya wot all things u gotto do to catch peole's attention to read ur blog. make eyeball grabbing headlines and all!!! hehehe!!

nyways the point here is .... y did the couple say "we r pregnant"

well when u r shopping in a supermarket with a kid in trolley u r bound to be looked at by many. especially young couples who r expecting their first kid. they will stop by ur trolley, look at the kid, make funny faces and all. and then when ur little one blesses them with a smile....they both will go aaaaaaaaah soooooo cute!!!

so well sometime back i happened to meet this young couple. (yuppies, dinks wotever u can call em) they were being very very sweet to my kiddo. i was a bit surprised to see a young couple being sooo nice to a nasty little one. the lady asked me how old my kiddo was, wat was her name and all. so i was a bit surprised to see them sooo intrested in my kiddo. as they dint hv any kid with them nor they looked in family way..... so before i could ask anything , the hubby said " if u r wondering y we are asking all these questions then lemme tell u that we r pregnant!!!"

he too was visibly excited at the prospect of being a father. the mom was glowing obviously.....

they told me that it was only the third month and so she dint look pregnant.

well anyways.... i congratulated them and told them to enjoy this phase of their life till the baby arrives!!!

the wifey was cool but somehow the hubby was a bit too excited!! he went on to tell me how they had attended couple sessions to discuss about a fathers role in a child's life. and how they were evn going to pregnancy yoga classes. when i asked him, wot he did at those classes?? he said he gv moral support and encouraged wifey to do all exercises!!! he went on to tell me that they were going to go for labour classes too.....and asked if i knew any. well i hadnt attended any, so dint know. he told me that he wanted the best for their baby and wifey. and so he would go to any lengths to do dat!!

i could picturise the hubby abt 6 months down the line in the labour room, trying to help the wifey during labour and encouraging her....... push push push!!! hahahaha!! only i guess by then the wifey would feel suffocated by the love and encouragement of the hubby!!!

wot shocked me even more was dat he was telling all dis earnestly to a complete stranger!!!

i know its a modern thing to be there with ur wife in labour room and actually video shoot the whole thing!!! but lemme tell u all dis is the american thing. and when u talk abt america i will say its kindof a land of eccentrics!! they will laugh and scoff at everyone and anyone except themselves. their sense of faamily values is warped..... and so in a bid to show how caring and family oriented they r, they bring in all these nonsensical ideas to appease the world.

anyways i guess by now that couple must hv already delivered their baby and am quite sure they must be hvng fights too...... (about who will change the babies diaper)!!

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